Parents and families,
We are continuing to have a fantastic year here at Washington School!
As you may know, we have been taking STAR Reading and Math assessments monthly to monitor student progress. I am extremely proud to recognize student effort and staff dedication, which has translated into tremendous growth for our students. We are closing some gaps we have noticed, and students are experiencing accelerated growth. We would expect students to show growth of two months, since we have been in school two full months – however, as you can see below, students have shown the following growth in only two months:
3rd Reading - 4 months of growth
3rd Math - 7 months of growth
4th Reading - 6 months of growth
4th Math - 8 months of growth
5th Reading - 6 months of growth
5th Math - 7 months of growth
To say I am impressed would be an understatement. When you have a chance, please congratulate your student for their academic achievement, and also take time to thank a staff member at Washington – each and every member of my staff has contributed to this impressive academic growth. This includes their general education teachers, special education staff, interventionists, specials teachers, social/emotional team, and our aides, who provide individual support to students every day!
Students, with the assistance of their teachers, are charting their successes each month, and understand that even if they dip a bit one month, they will be able to take the necessary steps to positively impact their learning in their classes. I know quite a few of our students have even surprised themselves with their progress!
We are also seeing improvements in students’ abilities to problem solve and support each other socially and emotionally. We have a caring group of students at Washington, who go consistently make respectful, responsible, and safe choices – and, help others do the same.
Thank you for your support in encouraging your students to do their best each and every day; we know that it takes a team and village to raise happy, healthy, engaged humans – thank you for sharing your students with us; we are fortunate to get to be a part of this village at Washington School.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your students’ teachers or myself.
Upcoming Dates/Important Events
November 4 - 1:55 Dismissal
November 8 - No School - Election Day
November 11 - Veteran’s Day - School in Session; 1:55 Dismissal
November 15 - Picture Retakes
November 17 - 5th Grade Field Trip
November 18 - 1:55 Dismissal
November 21-25 - No School - Fall Break
Sincerely, Liz Engstrom, Principal, Washington School