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Brian Cebula
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2215
Kelli Chambers
Social Worker
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2133
Jack Cottrell
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Kallie Dixon
Special Education Aide
Challand Middle School
Rachel Driver
ELA/Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2212
Brad Dunlap
Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Haley Ellis
Orchestra Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Jill Engelbrecht
Special Education Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2117
Chris Engstrom
Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2113
Courtney Forth
Special Education Aide
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Bailee Fortney
Special Education Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Melissa Foster
Social Studies Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2201
Ashley Gallentine
Challand Middle School
Herminia Garcia
Bilingual Support Staff
Challand Middle School
Whitnie Garriott
Science Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext.
Joe Ghibellini
Technology Specialist
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2118
Jheniya Gibson
Special Education Aide
Challand Middle School
Stephanie Gibson
Athletics Secretary
Challand Middle School
Dana Goff
Reading Interventionist
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2110
Megan Grady
Social Studies Teacher
Challand Middle School
815-626-3300 ext. 2130