On Thursday, May 12, Washington Elementary School had a Paralympian Gold Medalist in our midst!
Kevin McKee, a native of the Quad Cities area, is a three time Gold Medalist in the Paralympics, in the sport of sled hockey. He was contacted by 5th grade special education teacher, Jessica Truedson, who coordinated his visit. As part of his presentation, Kevin discussed his disability, how it shaped the athlete and person he is today, and also gave interesting details about his sport and Paralympic experience, along with his other participation in sports, including basketball and CrossFit, among others. Students and staff even got to see his gold medals in person, which was truly awe inspiring.
Providing a message that hard work pays off, any challenge is able to be overcome, and the importance of living life to the fullest — Mr. Kevin McKee provided the students and staff of Washington an motivational story they can all apply to their lives at Washington and beyond.

Paralympian Visits Washington Elementary
May 13, 2022