The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released our annual School Report Card on Oct. 30, 2019 at The Report Card shows how well our school is progressing on a wide range of educational goals. We are proud of our students’ growth in Math and English Language Arts (ELA) as measured by the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) and the SAT.
This progress reflects the investments we have made in our math curriculum and our intervention and supports for struggling learners in all grades. Additionally, the district was able to hire a Math Interventionist and Social Worker in every building to better support the academic and emotional needs of all students.
Our teachers, administrators, and staff, in partnership with you, are continuing to focus on elevating our overall student performance in Math and ELA.
One component of the School Report Card is the summative designation – a descriptor of how well our schools are meeting the needs of all students. This designation is based on multiple indicators of academic success and school quality. Each of our six schools received a designation of commendable. As you may recall, Lincoln Elementary, Washington Elementary, and Challand Middle School received a designation of underperforming in 2018. As a result of those designations, the district utilized School Improvement funds to better support each of those buildings to ensure that students had the support needed to achieve. The hard work of our staff and students has been rewarded with each of those buildings receiving a commendable rating for 2019.
We welcome this opportunity to dive into our data and talk about additional improvements and investments we can make to support every student in reaching their goals. Our district is strongest when we all work together, so we encourage you to give us your feedback and be actively engaged in your child’s education. Although we are happy that all schools are rated as commendable, we still strive for all schools to be exemplary and for all students to achieve.
We at Sterling Public Schools hold high expectations for all students and believe every student can meet our expectations with the right supports. Thank you for your continued partnership to ensure every child at Sterling Public Schools is thriving.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by contacting Dr. Tad Everett, Superintendent of Schools at 815-626-5050 or or Matt Birdsley, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at 815-626-5050 or