"It is so great to look back and remember being a student that adored her teachers and now know that I have students looking up to me in the same way. It is such a wonderful experience to work in the building that I attended from kindergarten to sixth grade!"
SPS University Grow Your Own Program
Are you interested in becoming a teacher for SPS? If so, let us assist you on your path to obtain your Professional Educator License (PEL)!
Are you interested in becoming a teacher for SPS?
Below are the programs under our SPS University umbrella. For more detail, contact Dr. Sara Dail at sdail@sps5.org
The SPS University Application is now OPEN for the 2025-2026 school year for employees.
SPS Application is linked here.
Applications are due to Dr. Sara Dail by May 1, 2025.

Are you a current SPS student wishing to obtain your teaching degree?
If the answer is yes, let's talk about how to get there, together!
Are you a current SPS employee wishing to obtain your teaching degree?
If the answer is yes, let's talk about how we can assist you in making this a reality!

Michelle Virtue, 3rd Grade Teacher at Lincoln Elementary School

Abby Grevengoed, 2nd Grade Teacher at Franklin Elementary School
"I have always loved the relationships and connections formed with teachers and students in Sterling Public Schools. Coming back and teaching in the same district I graduated from has allowed me to continue these relationships and connections. It is such a neat experience to teach some of the children of my former teachers, as well as to teach alongside some of my former teachers. SPS was always a comfortable place for me as a student, and it continues to provide that same comfort as a staff member."