Ms. Engstrom is a Glenbard East graduate. She has degrees in English, Secondary Education, ESL, Literacy, and School Administration. She has three sons who attend Sterling Public Schools. This will be her 8th year as a Principal for SPS5, and her 1st year as CMS principal. She is excited to return to CMS, where she began her career in 2004 as an 8th grade language arts teacher. Middle school students are beginning their transition into adulthood, and she is excited to support this new adventure.
Welcome Sixth Grade Families
Important Challand Middle School Information

Advice from CMS Students

Liz Engstrom
Challand Middle School Principal

Emily Duncan
Challand Middle School Associate Principal
Mrs. Duncan, a Moline High School graduate, holds degrees in Secondary Education and a Master of Education in School Leadership. She is married with one daughter. This will be her second year with Sterling Public Schools and her first year at CMS. She loves working with middle school students because of their energy and the daily opportunity to positively impact their lives.

Erin Sester
Challand Middle School Athletic Director and Dean of Students
Mr. Fargher is a graduate of Sterling High School. He holds an Elementary Education degree and also a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Mr. Fargher, his wife Kayla, and all three of their children have attended Sterling Public Schools. Of all of his time in education, Middle School has become his favorite! As Dean of Students/ Athletic Director, he encourages all students to become as involved in activities as they can.